The Chairman's Corner

Notes from Merv Shetler

November 2003


Keeping the Bluebills growing and vital.

Our nominating committee has put together a robust list of candidates to fill our five board vacancies. I've been told that it was not a difficult task, so we take that as a compliment. To me, it means that your board has earned a reputation for working together and getting things accomplished. And it means that we will get some "new blood" that can be counted on to keep this organization growing effectively. We will be voting by the end of the month. You should receive your ballots in a few days.

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Bob Lambert and I visited Bellevue Community College recently to find out how Bluebill expertise might fit their needs. I think we've made a good start by offering to conduct "mock interviews" for students seeking jobs. These exercises are excellent in preparing young people for the real world and learning what employers want. I have my eyes on tapping several retired Boeing execs in the Bellevue area for this project. I think this would be a great way to get them into our Bluebill fold.

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All of us remember the days of October when we responded to The Boeing Company's annual Food and Essentials community drive. At our November meeting, our Boeing rep, Bill Rienstra of Community Relations, told us that Boeing employees more than doubled their contributions compared to last year's drive, even with a reduction in the workforce. More than 204,000 pounds of non-perishable food and essential items have already been counted. Food Lifeline in Seattle, a nonprofit distributor of food, will dispense the donations through its network of more than 250 food banks and meals programs in Western Washington. Employees also gave $20,000 electronically to Food Lifeline through its website in a pilot program testing new ways to donate.

Of course, the need doesn't stop there, so keep your local food banks in mind as the holidays approach.

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At this month's meeting we welcomed Eleanor Roden, who has volunteered to serve as OlyPen's communication focal. She will work with Nancy Wright and Mike Yanega, who are responsible for promoting Bluebills through our website. Eleanor accompanied Jack Randall, OlyPen chapter chair, and it was her first exposure to the Central Leadership Committee. She says she was amazed at the scope of what we do.

The communications focals will keep track of - and report - information that highlights chapter activities and important work that Bluebills are providing within their community and to each other. By helping keep our website "alive and interesting," we can encourage other retirees to join us, increase support from The Boeing Company, and build a feeling of family within our widely-spread membership.

Vicky Lee has volunteered to serve as the communications focal for the Heritage chapter, and we hope to introduce her to the CLC at next month's meeting

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I also want to apologize again. In case anyone missed it, I didn't show up for the Heritage awards dinner last Wednesday. And I was one of the presenters, too. Bob Lambert ably carried on by himself (See story about McChord recognition at the dinner). I'd like to tell you that I had urgent matters that needed attention. But the truth of the matter is: I had Thursday in my head as the day. Marilyn and I got all dressed up and drove to a dark golf club 24 hours late. I am still tip- toeing around the house. I do have the Olympic Peninsula December 11th Annual Christmas Luncheon on my calendar. Letıs see if I can remember this one and redeem my creditability.

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Elsewhere in this site you can:
Chapter meetings and information programs for the members.
Volunteer opportunities.
Bluebill Voyagers
Reference information sites for seniors.

We are always ready to publicize Bluebills. Please, if you come away from a volunteer assignment that leaves you with an unusually warm fuzzy feeling, think about sharing that experience with all of us. It's worth its weight in gold, recruitment-wise. It will also help us get recognition from Boeing executive offices. Alert your chapter chair, or email Nancy Wright ( or Mike Yanega at And don't forget good pictures.

And finally, let me ask you to critique our efforts. Tell us what you want, what interests you and how you use the information we provide or could provide. The unique age of electronic communication offers us the ability to make rapid updates and changes

Merv Shetler

Chair, Central Leadership Council

July '03 Chairman's Corner

August '03 Chairman's Corner

To see Bluebills Volunteer Statistics, click on the chart icon to the left.

September '03 Chairman's Corner

October '03 Chairman's Corner

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 date of this page version: 14 November 2003