The Chairman's Corner

Notes from Merv Shetler

August 2003


Lazy, hazy days of Summer?

At our recent meeting of the Central Leadership Council, everyone agreed that August is a month when things really slow down, as we enjoy those last, lazy, hazy days of summer. No blazing issues were brought to the council table and little new information surfaced. We did have our usual good turnout for our meeting and our stimulating round of discussions, and I thank the board for their reliability and support.

Nevertheless, Bluebills continue to do their good work, quietly and out of the spotlight. We heard about one project. The Heritage Chapter office received a call from an 80-year old Boeing retiree, who lives in Auburn. The woman's washing machine had just gone kaput and she couldn't afford to repair it or buy another one. RAP Team chairman, Eileen Bear, got on the phone to her buddies at the Salvation Army, where she enjoys a wonderful working relationship. Eileen's buddy reported that they didn't have any machines in their inventory. Then, a few hours later, he miraculously called her back to say that a woman in Bellevue had just donated a washer and dryer -- if someone would come and get them.

Eileen enlisted the help of Heinz Gehlhaar and Richard Vaughn. Richard borrowed his son's pickup, they went to Bellevue, picked up the appliances and delivered them to the Auburn home. That same day, they installed both the washer and dryer -- after installing a new plug on the dryer. The Bluebills then hauled her old machine to the dump and shelled out $10 to pay to leave it there.

To Heinz and Richard, it was all in a day's work. But to me, hearing such a story makes me proud all over again that I am representing an unusual organization of volunteers.

* * * * *

While most of us have been taking it easy, a hardy group of Bluebills have been working very hard, moving tons of school supplies a few miles south to our new Kids in Need warehouse at Kent Benaroya. The facility will be up and running when the school bells ring in September. Participation is increasing this year to 104 schools, up from 82 last season. Principals are being invited to an open house on August 25. You need a badge to get in, but if you find a chance to get down to check out the new warehouse, you'll find it in the 7-48-1 Bldg.

* * * * *

At our September 9 meeting we will be establishing a nominating committee to fill four of the eight board positions on the 2004-2005 Leadership Council. If you are interested in helping with the administration of our organization, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Write to me at

Merv Shetler
Chair, Central Leadership Council

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 date of this page version: 21 Aug 2003