The 2005 Central Leadership Council
The Central Leadership Council (CLC) consists of eight members elected by the total membership, a representative from The Boeing Company and the Chapter Chairpersons. The term of office for the elected members is two years with positions one through four and five through eight being elected in alternate years. The new members for calendar year 2005 are:
Karen Bailey - Sno-King Chapter
Bill Forde - Sno-King Chapter
Thomas Moore - Olympic Peninsula Chapter
Norma Vaughn - Heritage Chapter
I would also like to thank the outgoing members for their effort and contribution for the last two years:
Ed Bartels - Sno-King Chapter
Marion Locklear - Sno-King Chapter
Norma Vaughn - Heritage Chapter
Guy Younie - Sno-King Chapter
To contact members of the CLC use the link at the bottom of the page for "Leadership", or use the "Chapters" link.
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Recruitment Video Project --This project is a video designed to recruit retirees to volunteer in their communities. The joys and satisfaction that are the basic concept of volunteering are being given a fresh approach, thanks to the skills of the students producing the video. They are enrolled in the audio visual department at Bellevue Community College (BCC). With input from Catholic Community Services (CCS) and the Bluebills, the video project is now in its second semester of production. Students are evaluating their progress to date and hope to finish the audio visual package this semester. This article published in the Family Center News-King County by CCS highlights their support. |
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Bellevue Community College Mock Interviews There are many Boeing retirees living on the Eastside who have spare time and are willing to contribute time and talents in programs that peak their interest. Bluebills approached Bellevue Community College last year to suggest a program that would help the college and expand our volunteer base on the Eastside
After a number of meetings, we launched a program where students participate in mock job interviews with our Bluebill volunteers. The students have a chance to practice their job application skills with guidance from these former Boeing execs.
Chaired by Richard Dworkis, this group of Bluebills simulates the environment a prospective applicant will face when applying for a job. The interviews normally last 30-45 minutes and the volunteers provide feedback to the students on resumes, presentation skills and training aids.
Most of the Bluebills are retired managers responsible for recruiting employees during their careers at Boeing. However, it has been some time since many of us conducted employee interviews and ground rules have changed so we're getting some retraining ourselves to be as effective as we can be. I feel both sides are gaining experience from this activity.
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Golf Challenge The Olympic Peninsula Chapter has issued a challenge to the Heritage and Sno-King Chapter for a "best ball" tournament on July 11th at Port Ludlow. This will be followed by a Texas-style barbecue at the club house. So, all you golfers (duffers) get out the old clubs and polish them for a fun day at Port Ludlow. You dont have to play golf to enjoy the barbecue. Last year was great with lots of food and a wonderful social outing.
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Trout Lodge, Potosi, Mo. The St Louis retirees-Sages- are beginning their plans for this years annual social at Missouris Trout Lodge near Potosi, Mo. on October 3-6, 2005. Registration is required by July 1, 2005. Five Bluebill families attended this social last year and it is a great get-away for a few days and for a very good price and lots of fun. Contact the Bluebill office for more details.
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Faces of our Volunteers -- Because our website has great potential to recognize the contributions of individual volunteers, we are initiating a special Bluebill Faces page. Here's where each chapter can snap a close up picture of their volunteer's face and send it to our webmaster, Mike Yanega. In addition to the face, we'd like a very short (3 lines will do) description of who they are and what they like doing within Bluebills. The photos can be digital or hard copies that can be scanned. And don't send a picture of just one individual, even though that's what our first examples are. The more faces the merrier.
Digital pictures and captions can be sent directly to Mike at Hard copies and captions can be sent to the Bluebills office in care of BLUEBILL FACES, Box 3707, MC 2T-04, Seattle 98124
We hope in future months you will see your own smiling face on your computer monitor.
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Elsewhere in this site you can see:
Mighty Movers. A group from our Sno-King chapter has been helping people move for years. It's time to tell their unsung story.
Create Your Own Reality Show. Bob Lee's piece about getting involved in High School senior projects ("Culminating Exhibitions") as a panelist. He talks about the SnoKing schools, but this will be a statewide mandate by 2008.
Chapter meetings and information programs for the members.
Volunteer opportunities.
Bluebill Voyagers
including our newst feature, Nancy Wright's moving account and pictures of her visit to China in October 2003.
Reference information sites for seniors.
We are always ready to publicize Bluebills. Please, if you come away from a volunteer assignment that leaves you with an unusually warm fuzzy feeling, think about sharing that experience with all of us. It's worth its weight in gold, recruitment-wise. It will also help us get recognition from Boeing executive offices. Alert your chapter chair, or email Nancy Wright ( or Mike Yanega ( And don't forget good pictures.
And finally, let me ask you to critique our efforts. Tell us what you want, what interests you and how you use the information we provide or could provide. The unique age of electronic communication offers us the ability to make rapid updates and changes