Create Your Own Reality Show:
An Opportunity to be Inspired

By Bob Lee

Think about this: after your morning coffee or tea or juice and a tasty morning snack, you settle back and watch a unique and personal reality show unfold right there before your eyes and you are one of the principal participants. You offer your attention, experience, and interest to the setting. In return you are accorded the respect and gratitude of a future doctor, or lawyer, or political leader, or scientist or engineer, or astronaut, or mechanic, or financier, or someone who will follow in the steps of your own career or life interest.
Is this one of those popular TV reality programs? No, this is the Culminating Exhibition for a high school senior, preparing for graduation. And it is playing at a high school in your neighborhood. Best of all, if you respond quickly, we will be able to arrange your admission at a specially reduced price. How does "free" sound? And this includes food and drink and an enjoyable, short orientation. The first event will be February 27th at Meadowdale High School in Lynnwood.
This is a national program, designed to prepare teenagers for their next step after graduation from high school. They may be headed toward college or into the daily work force, but in either case their experience with you will give them a good start on learning to communicate with their new world. Some high schools have been doing this for three years, some high schools are just starting to get organized for these senior projects. Starting with the class of 2008, projects such as these will be mandatory according to Washington State academic standards.

Bluebills are in high demand to act as panelists at the high schools that are trying to get a head start on the upcoming mandate. As retirees, the Bluebills demonstrate patience, experience, understanding, (think: "Grandparent"), and a flexible schedule of availability.

There will be more requests and other orientations later this spring when the greater number of graduates will be waiting for you to listen to their dreams and accomplishments. Cascade and Everett High Schools have already issued requests for your help in May.
If you have any interest in creating your own reality show, call Grady Sewell, 425-353-0925, or Bob Lee, 425-710-9017 for details.

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 date of this page version: 5 February 2004