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Heritage Chapter - Agency Application Forms

You can now download the Agency Application Forms that you must fill out to have your agency included in the Boeing Bluebills database. This is the way that Bluebill volunteers can be notified about your volunteer needs.

The forms are prepared in Portable Document Format (pdf), so you need to view them with Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the latest version free by clicking on this "Adobe Acrobat Reader" link, or the one at the right.

If you have problems downloading the forms, you can request a copy to be e-mailed to you, but you will still need Acrobat Reader to view it.
(Click this link to send e-mail request for Forms.)


Agency Application Forms

(These are .pdf documents - you will need
Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Use link below to download Acrobat Reader.)

Adobe Acrobat Reader
After downloading and printing the desired forms please complete and mail to:

Bluebills Boeing Retirement Volunteer Program
P.O Box 3707 MC 1K-B02
Seattle, WA 98124-2207
Attention Agency Relations

These forms may also be faxed to

For additional information about these forms you may call the Boeing Bluebill's office at
and ask for Richard Vaughn.

The following forms are mandatory for consideration.

Statement of Understanding.
This form contains the Agency guidelines for Volunteer center referral of volunteers and confirms the agency applying, for inclusion in the database of Bluebill volunteers, are a non profit organization with a 501(c) (3) tax exemption with the Internal Revenue Service. This form must be signed by the Executive Director or his/her appointee. The volunteer Program manager must also sign this form.

Master Agency Registration
This form provides the pertinent information about the agency, such as address phone numbers etc. The Agency’s mission is also defined in this form..

Volunteer Request/Job Description Form
This form must be filled out so that the Bluebill can determine the type of volunteers being requested by the Agency. This includes Agency name, address, Volunteer coordinator and the position required for the volunteer. Please include in this form how many volunteers are needed, a job description, qualifications, location of the volunteer work, time and commitment required, and any special requirements needed to fill this position.


Optional Forms
The two following forms are optional and only needed for these special requests.

Agency Group Project Request Form
This form needs to be completed only if the agency is requesting a one time volunteer request, such as a special annual event, requiring many volunteers to support this event.

Board of Directors/committee member Request Form
This form needs to be completed only if the agency is requesting volunteers to serve on their Board of Directors or a committee members are desired.

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date of this page version:12-24-29