Picture of Bluebill Aircraft


Bluebills Insignia

Why "Bluebills"?

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Welcome Boeing Retirees - a new life awaits!

If you're living in the Puget Sound area, check out our site to see what we are about and then please join us, and let us help you get involved. Membership is free.

If you're living elsewhere, but would like to know what we're doing with our new lives, please browse through our site. Then, if you are inspired to set up a Boeing Retiree Volunteers organization in your own area to keep in touch with your fellow retirees and serve your communities at the same time, click here to request more information on how to go about it.

See the Boeing Global Engagement webpage
supported by the Bluebills Boeing Retiree Volunteers

Also see the Boeing Employee and Retiree Information webpage

2024 was the Bluebills 30th Year of Service


Welcome to our web page

We are the Bluebills, an army of Boeing Company retirees and their spouses in western Washington. We don't work for paychecks these days, except the kind of payoff that rewards us with a warm glow of satisfaction. We are at work on projects that are making our communities better places to live.



Use the links at the left to find out more about us and what we're doing for our communities.




Older Photos

Xmas Bags Picture
Pretty Bags for Christmas
Packing bags Picture
Putting Goodies into Bags
Bags for delivery
Ready for delivery to Nursing Homes & Children's Hospital

Bluebill Volunteer Statistics

Did you ever wonder about how many of you are volunteering and how many projects you are supporting with your time and efforts? We have put together some of our statistics since 2001 to give you an idea about how much we have done.

Of course, statistics don't tell the personal stories, or give a sense of the rewards of volunteering, or show the good that is done for your communities, neighbors and friends. They can only give a hint about the potential we have, as a group.

Only you know how much more we could be doing.
And please remember to report your volunteer hours to the Bluebills office so that your efforts can be counted and reported.

Click on the graphs at the left to see the numbers for 2001 through 2012.

The volunteer work that we did in 2014 again was significant. We counted 66,109 hours of volunteer work, valued at $1.8 million (using the Washington state value for volunteer hours of $27.54).


Our e-mail, for more information, or to tell us about Bluebill news, travels, or accomplishments you think we should cover, is bluebills@boeing.com

Our organization provides an unbeatable combination of personal satisfaction and social interaction as we continue to savor the companionship we previously enjoyed within the Boeing family.

We invite you to learn more about us and to join us. Membership is free.


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We are currently active in two geographic areas of Western Washington. Note: SnoKing currently inactive

Click on your location on the map to find out what's going on in your area.

Information Directory for Boeing Retirees
Boeing Total Access web page - to view and change your benefits information;
Or, phone: (866) 473-2016

Recreation Center/Club Activities - Everett (425) 342-9800; Oxbow (206) 655-2003


Boeing Frontiers Magazine - Frontiers is a monthly magazine published 11 times a year by The Boeing Company for its employees and retirees. It tells Boeing's global story though in-depth, timely articles and analysis about the company, its products, markets, challenges, customers and people.


Corporate Gift Matching - Log in to the Boeing Total Access web page, Select "Life & Community", go to "My Community Giving" and click the "Gift" tab.


Boeing Service Awards Watch Repair: -click to view. It has changed locations recently but is still near the Sears Overlake store.  
Go to 2024 148th Avenue NE, (facing NE 20th St.) or call (425) 747-1211.
Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. . Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
All you need to show is the watch with name and inscription (no BEMSID required). There is now a time limit on repair of a Boeing Service Watch ......none later than 1998.

Boeing Gift Catalog: Official merchandise from the Boeing Store : Seattle Location: 7742 East Marginal Way
Seattle, WA, 98108 Phone: 206-662-9511


Elsewhere in this site you can see:

Agency Application Forms: Click the link to go directly to a page where the forms can be downloaded in PDF format.
This is for agencies wishing to obtain volunteer help from the Bluebills in the Puget Sound area (Heritage Chapter).

Your Central Leadership Council is shown under the Chapters/Central Leadership Council.

Contact your Chapter for information on Volunteer Opportunities, Programs, Meetings, etc.

We are always ready to publicize Bluebills. Please, if you come away from a volunteer assignment that leaves you with an unusually warm fuzzy feeling, think about sharing that experience with all of us. It's worth its weight in gold, recruitment-wise. It will also help us get recognition from Boeing executive offices. Alert your chapter chair, or Heinz Gehlhaar (soarboy@comcast.net) and don't forget good pictures.

And finally, let me ask you to critique our efforts. Tell us what you want, what interests you and how you use the information we provide or could provide. The unique age of electronic communication offers us the ability to make rapid updates and changes

Other links you might enjoy when you're in a browsing mood:

Engineering Retirees Society. http://engineeringretirees.org/ : The Retired Engineering & Technical workers of SPEEA/Boeing

Boeing Employees Travel Club. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/betravel/

Boeing Gold Card chapter website has changed to: https://blnretirees.org/ : It is now the Leadership Network, Retirees.

Visiting Other Boeing Retirees
Did you know that Boeing has retiree organizations in Southern California; Duluth, Georgia; St. Louis, Missouri and Mesa, Arizona, plus other sites? We are sure you can expect a gracious welcome if you should visit those locations and wish to connect with other Boeing retirees.
DAC-MDC-Boeing Retirees of California website at http://www.macdacwestretirees.org/

Sages of St. Louis, Missouri: Their website is at http://stlsages.tripod.com/index.html

Desert Sages of Mesa, Arizona: Contact Michael Pope, at desertsagesaz@gmail.com

Resource links you may find of interest

Senior Homes - Understanding Dementia Behavior

Cargiving Resource Center Resources to help you navigate cargiving. https://www.caring.com/cargivers/


Bluebills Home Page | Mission | History| Chapters | News| Accomplishments | Honors

page updated 12-29-2024