A Fascination with Science
Could you be the trigger for another Einstein?
When Einstein was four, his father showed him a magnetic compass. The movement of the needle by an invisible force stunned the boy because it collided with his previous concept that things had to be physically touched to move. He had discovered a new perspective and he wrote; "I can still remember that this experience made a deep and lasting impression on me."
Einstein had experienced a small trigger that affected not only his future but the future of all mankind.
This awakening to an awareness of the visible and invisible world surrounding us is what many adults seek to encourage in our young people through science education. The Boeing Bluebills include scientists and engineers of every discipline who can help and advise students about future career paths.
The schools in our areas can guide Bluebill volunteers to those requesting help. Some are inner city schools but we can assist pupils and teachers in every level of education, from primary grades through high school, either public or parochial, throughout the Puget Sound region.
Science fairs and field trips can also be enhanced when Bluebills serve as mentors and tutors.
If you are interested, please call your Bluebills chapter office or
Millard Battles at (253) 876-6468, (206) 954-4927 (cell) or
Dick Cihak at (206) 935-1805; (206)-464-6854 (cell).
Chapter telephone numbers are:
Heritage Chapter (Puget Sound area) 206-544-5772
Olympic Peninsula Chapter 360-437-4055
Sno-King Chapter 425-717-3755