May 2012
Number 5

Dear Bluebill members, guests and associates
Welcome to the May edition of the Bluebill Flyer.  We hope you enjoy the articles and photos. 
This issue of the Bluebill Flyer is composed with a different application program (Constant Contact).  Note the "Table of Contents" list is just to the right (Click on the article of interest.).  Below that is the list of May birthdays and below that are the May events.  Your feedback about the format, the articles, the right side sections, and the photos are always appreciated.  Send comments to Jack McKay.  Thanks.
In This Issue
Dove House Walk
Dove House Gardening
Ramp Project
Volunteer Hours
Wellness Program
Spring Mtg. Photos
Chair's Message
REPAH Fund Raiser
Bluebill Members
Officers & Chairs
May Events


Wednesday, MAY 9th


On Wednesday,
May 9th, we plan to support Dove House in an event intended to draw attention to the problem of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Bluebills plan to have dinner at the Silverwater Café following the event.




5:30: Arrive at the staging point. Rotary Park on Water Street (by the US Bank)

6:00: Walk from Rotary Park to the Northwest Maritime Center

7:00: Event ends

7:15: Meet at the Silverwater Café for dinner. Select off the menu, pay for your own.


The event is called "Walk A Mile in Her Shoes.

Men and women will don red shoes and walk along Water Street in Port Townsend. A donation to Dove House is expected.


To enter the event, fill out the form (click here) and either mail to he Dove House or bring along to the event. Red women's shoes will be provided to those who want them. Provide this information on the form, in advance, including shoe size.


Many of us don't feel comfortable walking in even low-heeled women's shoes and will be wearing our own. For those who are interested, we will paint a pair of your old shoes red to fit in with the event. Paint you own or get them to Myron Vogt sometime before the 9th.


If you plan to attend the event, fill out the form (click here).

We plan to march as a group, so wear your Bluebill shirt.


If you plan to attend dinner, let Michael Graham know. 437 5052.


Questions? Contact Barbara Berthiaume, 437 0423.

Dove House Gardening Project   
We are set for next Monday, April 30 and I am sure the weather will cooperate. It is certainly beautiful today!  So much for the 40% chance of rain I saw last week.  
We will meet at 10:00 and Michael Graham will organize pizza for those who are there at noon. Feel free to come 
anytime between 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. We should get a lot done in that time frame. 
Click here to let Barbara Berthiaumeknow that you will be attending.



Mason County Ramp Project 

This month, we were asked by Mason Catholic Community Services, if we would build a ramp for a client in Belfair. This is a county we haven't worked with before, however things went pretty much as usual.  Meet at the Bay Club at 8:00, car-pool to Belfair and work in a small drizzle most of the day.  Finished by 2:30.


This is what we had to start with. Build a ramp off the porch

To a landing at the corner of the house, then a short ramp to the ground.


The crew poses on the finished project: Bill Shain, Mike Peterson, Larry Elton, Michael Graham, Jack Hawker and Ed Hughes.



There have been a number of queries about just what to report as Bluebill hours.


The following guidelines are provided by the Bluebill Central Leadership Council:


"Bluebills have always considered any volunteer hours a member gives for any 501C3 agency, church, schools, driving time to and from volunteer activities and meetings, time at a Bluebills meeting, or even visiting or assisting someone in need to be "volunteer hours" whether it is a Bluebills' project or one they do on their own." 


The above guidelines will be included with the monthly request to report hours.

Your report, as always, should go to Jack Hawker.


If you have worked prior months and neglected to report for the monthyou can catch up by reporting them during the current month. Just note whatmonth they should be entered against.


  Bluebill Volunteer Hours for 2011 and through March 2012




The Port Ludlow Village Council has been sponsoring a number of events intended to improve the health and well-being of community members.


The subject of the next event will be "Age in Place With Senior-Friendly Home Remodel'.

It will be held:

                DATE:    Wednesday, June 6

                TIME      6:00- 8:00

                PLACE:  Port Ludlow Bay Club


Three organizations will be speaking:

ADM Architecture, Aaron Murphy, Architect, AIA, CAPS, Poulsbo,

General Contractor, Jack Osborn, Owner, CAPS, 11 E Runnion Rd, Sequim, and Boeing Bluebills-Olympic Peninsula Chapter


Marvin Segar will be speaking for us about ramps and our Fall Prevention Program.


We will also have a table to display materials about our programs and provide more information if requested.


Admission is free so plan to attend and support our organization.



Spring Meeting Photos  (Peggy Lee Flentie, Photographer)
The Bluebill members celebrating Eleanor Roden's birthday

Mea Graham, Eleanor Roden, and Marv Segar

Myron Vogt presents highlight of the "Membership Survey."
Message from Our Chair 
Ken Winter
Our Spring Fling, July 6th, was a real success again and a big thank you goes to Michael Graham and his crew of Ladies and the two cooks. These get together s could not be held without those who step up and volunteer. The birthday greeting for Eleanor was a success. Many more Eleanor. Some of the attendees at the end of the function came up to me and said that they really enjoyed  the Beach Club as they felt the environment was easier  to visit with other attendees. Of course there were a few who ended up at the Bay Club by mistake. We need to check were our meetings will be held.

On April 11 there was a Wellness Forum at the Beach Club that had the CEOs of Harrison Medical Center and Jefferson Healthcare.This was open to the general public and I was asked to represent the Bluebills. This was very informative in the what was in the future for health care in the Olympic Peninsula. This type of a function would have been a good place for our Bluebill brochure.

The reporting of our volunteer hours has shown a good improvement. In January we had 545 hours reported and in March it was 898 hours. This is an increase of 353 hours. Some of the increase is number of jobs worked  but some of the inscrease is by better reporting by our members. Please report all hours of any type volunteer work you do. If you are not sure contact a  officer.

If any member has any ideas of projects that could help in our community and might be of interest to the general membership please wright it up and send it to Jack Mckay at and he can put it in the monthly flyer.

Ken Winter



Normally we don't advertise other agency's events unless Bluebills are directlyinvolved, however, Real Estate Professionals for Affordable Housing (REPAH)has support Bluebills for many years. They are a source of funding for the needy when no other source is available. They have provided funds to us for home repairsand ramps. For the last couple of years REPAH has also been providing us with $300 to buy grab bars to install for those who cannot afford their own anddon't qualify for one of the agency programs.


When: Saturday, May 19th, at 7:30 pm

Where: Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2333 San Juan Ave.,

Port Townsend., $20,  at the Food Coop or 

Olympic Peninsula Bluebill Members
Bluebill Officers and Program Chairs

May Birthdays
Betty Faulkner, 5th
Larry Bomke, 6th
Arthur Martin, 11th
Ken McConnell, 11th
Chuck Sherred, 15th
Thelma Keefe, 19th
Michael Graham, 20th
Ed Hughes, 20th
Jack Rois, 24th
Ken Mellott, 26th
Erika Mayfield, 27th
May Events


Monday, April 30th

Dove House Gardening Project, 10 am to 3 pm.


Thursday, May 3
Leadership Team Meeting, Bay Club 3:00-4:00


Friday, May 4
Deliver Essential Supplies-Kitsap Co. Meet at warehouse at 9:00


Tuesday, May 8
Essentil Supply Pickup at World Vision-9:00


Tuesday, May 8
Unload Food Bank Truck-Tri-Area Community Center 8:00-9:00


Tuesday, May 8
Central Leadership Council Meeting-Seattle 10:00-11:00


Wednesday, May 9
Dove House Walk-Port Townsend 5:30 (See article for details.)


Saturday, May 19
REPAH Fundraiser-Port Townsend (See article for details.)





The Bluebills of the Olympic Peninsula

The Olympic Peninsula Bluebills | 560 Rainier Lane | Port Ludlow | WA | 98365