The Olympic Peninsula Bluebill Flyer for June 2012
In This Issue
Chairman's Report
June Activities
Dove House Gardening
Dove House Walk
Thank You Note
Camp Fire Project
Grab Bar
Wellness Forum
Chairman Report

May has been a busy month for officers of our chapter. We have been able to add around twenty two new members in Clallam County. This was done thru the hard work by Larry Elton who put up signs in Sequim and Port Angeles and then calling those that showed a interest in joining the Olympic Peninsula Bluebills. This now gives a group in Clallam County and a group in South Hood Canal. Now we need to find a way to keep these groups informed on what is going on.  

On April 30th, Frank Spann, Ed & Barb Berthiaume,Judy McKay, Rod & Mary Harp and Michael Graham spent four hours (28 man hours) Gardening at the Dove House Safe House. As a reward the crew was treated to a pizza lunch. As there is lots of work left Barb will schedule  the next work date. Keep your eyes open so you can help.

May 9th, the "Walk in Her Shoes" was held in Port Townsend . This was a benefit with the proceeds  going to the Dove House. There was a good turnout of  Bluebills. Those nice red shoes they wore (thanks to a can of red paint) will look good at the next ramp job. After the walk we all met at the Silverwater Cafe for dinner.  Lots of fun for all.

On June 6th, the Port Ludlow Wellness Program will be held at the Bay Club. The subject is "Age in Place with Senior - Friendly Home Remodel" . Admission is free.

On July 9th, will be our summer picnic and golf outing at the Port Ludlow Golf Course. Tee time start at 11:30 but golfers should be at the golf course no later then 10:00. The picnic is at the Bay Club in Port Ludlow  from 3:00 to 7:00. All members should come for the dinner even if you did not golf.

On September 29th, the Olypen Bluebills are hosting the 1st annual Domestic/Sexual Charity Golf Tournament at the Port Ludlow Golf Course. All proceeds will go directly to Dove House Services located in Port Townsend. Details of the tournament are still being formulated and will be made available as soon as possible. 

Marv Seager was looking for a manager at the Dove House Warehouse. As I have been out of town I am not sure if got any help. Call Marv if you can help. 

Myron Vogt reported on the Community Enrichment Alliance fall silent auction.The CEA would like the Bluebills to take a larger roll in organizing and running the auction. The CEA has done a great job over the years, but it is time to get help. The money raised goes toward the Christmas gifts for needy families.    



June Bluebill Activities

Friday, June 1: Essential Supplies Delivery to Clallam Co. 


Wednesday, June 6: Wellness Clinic-Bay Club, Port Ludlow. 6:00-8:00. BB present Fall Prevention Program.


Thursday, June 7: Leadership Team Meeting-Beach Club, 3:00-4:00


Monday, June 11. Deliver items to Dove House


Tuesday, June 12: Essential Supplies Pickup at World Vision. 9:00 at Fife


Tuesday, June 12: Central Leadership council Meeting-Seattle, 10:00-11:00


Tuesday, June 12, Unload Food Bank Truck-Chimacum 8:00-9:00


Friday, June 15, Meeting with Brinnon/Quilcene BB members-Quilcene 10:30-1:00



Frank Spann
Dove House Gardening

On Monday, April 30, Frank Spann, Ed and Barb Berthiaume, Judy McKay, Fred Spann,Rod and Mary Harp, and Michael Graham spent 4 hours (28 man-hours) gardening at the Dove House.

Ed Berthiaume
Rod Harp

Mary Harp

Judy McKay
There is still a significant amount of work yet to accomplish so Barbara will be scheduling another session in the coming month. 
As a partial reward, Michael Graham delivered a pizza lunch from Waterfront Pizza.

Dove House Walk
Over 25 Bluebill members and spouses took part in the annual Dove House Walk.  The walk, in red high healed shoes, was from the US Bank on the west to the Maritime Museum on the east end.  

Following the spirited walk, with strong and brisk tail-winds, took about 15 minutes.  Following and ceremony at the museum, 20 of the Bluebills celebrated the accomplishment by having dinner at the Silver Water Cafe.

Ed Berthiaume, Myron Vogt, and Michael Graham

"Thank You" Note
Dear Bluebills,
Thank you so much for supporting "Walk a Mile In Her Shoes" with so many walkers.  Not only do we appreciate all of the work you do for Dove House, but that you do for the community,  Your shoes were "fetching" and added to our walk admirably.  We hope for your contented support.

Jeannie Ramsey, Volunteer Coordinator

Camp Fire Project
by Ken Winters

Robert Brown

advised that a couple of thresholds neede

d to be modified for wheelchair access at the Campfire Girls Cabin in Port Angeles.  Gifford and I completed the job this afternoon. 

One threshold only required a tapered 2x6, which Gifford completed at his home shop.  The other threshold required a short ramp of 30 inches, which I fabricated.  Unfortunately, I did not notice the slope of the porch floor, which necessitated modification of the small stringers and header.  So another trip home to make the modifications and back to the cabin to complete the installation.  Note that Gifford did most all of the actual work.


Gifford Asher


All materials used were scrap pieces from other Bluebills jobs.


Teri provided us with insurance, although this was not a job which we received through her.


Total time was 12 hours with 117 miles.  Feel free to deduct 3 hours and 39 miles due to my error.




Thank you note


From Jean Stratton, Executive Director of the Camp Fire USA Juan de Fuca Council


"Please accept our grateful thanks of the wonderful men who cam and put wheel chair accessible thresholds on our main office and meeting hall doorways.  Please know that Camp Fire uSA Juan de Fuca Council considers the Bluebills to be guardian angels."

Grab Bar Installation
Here is typical grab bar installation to help getting up a step or two into the house.


Installed by Ken Mellott and Gifford Asher.

This was an unusual job, as it started out as a ramp request by the caregiver.  The daughter and son-in-law felt a ramp was not needed, due to the health status of the mother.  On the other hand, the daughter, believed a handrail would be beneficial, but this was adamantly rejected by her mother.  So the daughter suggested a grab bar.  (Giff and I hope she will accept it).
Port Ludlow Wellness Forum for June