The Olympic Peninsula Bluebill Flyer
 December 2012  - January  2013
In This Issue
Housing Hero Award
Christmas giving
Christmas Social
2013 Initiatives
Chair's Report
Steps and Railings
Landscaping Grant
Dove House Workshop
Officers and Chairs



Bluebills received a "Housing Hero" award at a the second annual forum to provide affordable housing and end homelessness in Jefferson and Clallam Counties.  Marvin Segar and Myron Vogt accepted the award which was given for the work done in Quilcene

by Bluebills and other volunteers working with us.  


John Hollister, Lynn Thompson, Jane Laptad, Davis Steelquist,

Ann Ricker, Wayne Sisco and Scott Abbott

The award was presented to the Quilcene group at a lunch where we also discussed the 2013 initiative to work with Habitat for Humanity in their program to improve the community. 



For eighth year in a row, The Bluebills with help of the Port Ludlow Community Enrichment Association (CEA), helped make Christmas more enjoyable for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence in Clallam, Jefferson and Kitsap Counties.


Each year, the CEA held a silent auction to support our Christmas gift program. During the eight years, over $60,000 has been raised with the auction and donations from Bluebills. These monies have been given to Bluebills to shop for gifts for individuals in the care agencies caring for SA/DV victims.

Eline Lybarger, Vicki Tallarico, Nancy Leahy, and Larry Elton


This year, a very profitable silent auction was held by the CEA on November 3rd with logistic support provided by the Bluebills. At our Christmas party held on December 6th, "Christmas Wish Lists" and money were distributed to sixty three bluebills and friends to go shopping for 135 individuals. On December 14th the gifts were collected, sorted and delivered to five agencies. The agencies participating were; Healthy Families of Clallam County, The Dove House (Jefferson County), YWCW-ALIVE Center (Kitsap County), Kitsap Sexual Assault Center, and Georgia's House (Kitsap County).


The Christmas gift program brought happiness to 135 individuals who might not have had a Merry Christmas and a lot of satisfaction to the Bluebill members,the agency workers, and the CEA members and our families that participated.

Bluebill's Christmas Social 


(May take a few seconds to load. A slideshow of photos taken at the Christmas Social.)
Eline Lybarger, Vicki Tallerico, Nancy Leahy, and Larry Elton


Other available slide shows of photos taken by Peggy Lee Flentie of Bluebill Activities (click on link below):

New Bluebill Initiatives for 2013


Barbara Berthiaume

Barbara Berthiaume reports to the Bluebill members and guest about the 2013 Projects


1. Develop Healthy Families Support Program  Barbara Berthiaume


2. Assist with furniture/furnishings program

Improve P.A. storage as needed

Hold quarterly drives in Clallam County

Establish process/organization to handle donations


3. Hold Healthy Families Benefit Golf Tournament  Michael Graham 

Will be held at Sunland in Sequim

Scheduled for late August

Develop process and organization similar to Dove House tournament


4. Integrate Bluebill Fall Prevention Program into Habitat Quilcene Housing Improvement Program  Marvin Segar 

Develop process

Training as necessary

Publicize program

Track metrics

Bluebill's Chair Report

Ken Winter

The year 2012 was a year for more great work accomplished by the Bluebills of the Olympic Peninsula.  


We have been busy as usual with the old standbys such as ramps, grab bars and Life-lines. Adding the Dove House has opened up work for a lot of new Lady Bluebills along with work for the Builders.  This program will be expanded this new year. 


Working with Habitat for Humanities in the Quilcene area will be a new experience.  Working with CEA on the Book Sales, Silent Auction and Christmas Giving  are fun programs for those Bluebills that can't work as Builders.


This new year will bring new opportunities: 

1. Increase our membership in Kitsap County, 

2. Work on bringing the hours reported up and 

3. Add a Golf Tournament to Clallam County. 


The leadership of our group is always looking for new areas to help out, so if you have any ideas please contact one of the officers.


We now need to find younger members to learn what keeps us going. Your present  leaders have not gotten any younger and most of us have been with this group of Bluebills since we started.


May the New Year bring you all Happiness.

Ken Winter  Chairman




It's not necessary to do complex detailed work to help most of our clients. What they often need is simple steps and railings, built to code, or they now require help where none was planned for. Here are a couple of recent examples.



Photo 1

One of the most frequent needs for improvement. The step or two from the garage into the house seems to be the feature that is put in  for the builders and never changed. No railing (code doesn't require them for these few steps), and often random step height.  Picture 1 illustrate this problem. 


This woman comes into her house 100% of the time from the garage. When we were there we had to help her up the steps and into the house. So what's wrong?  The first step is about 6" high, the second about 11". (Code violation). There is no handrail, which is usual, but really needed in this case.


We put in new steps  and a handrail (Picture 1).

This is not really a stair. A wooden beam was set on the ground as the first step.
Photo 2
New steps were installed, having equal height risers and adequate depth. The step surface is painted with a non-skid paint.  The handrail was added to only one side because they could not be convinced  It would be useful to have a handrail on both sides (Photo 2).










Photo 3

Split level homes and often those who have converted a garage to a family room have to cope with the change in levels. This is usually only two  or three steps, which again do not require a railing per code.


However when the client needs all the help they can get to get up and down these steps, we get asked to put in a handrail. In the case shown in the picture, the stroke client has only one good arm to grasp the railing.  For that reason, it was necessary to install the support in the center of the stair so a handrail could be put on each side.

This railing was installed in the center of the stairs so the client could use his good hand either going up or down (Photo 3). 
Report by Myron Vogt

Dove House Landscape Grant


The Bluebills received a $1000 Master Gardener Landscape grant to enhance the livability of the Dove House grounds and work will begin in the New Year.  


Two all day work parties were organized to rid the property of invasive vegetation so work could begin.  Betty Faukner and Michael Graham each provided lunches for the work party volunteers.



Bob Reasoner Conducts Workshop for Dove House

Bob Reasoner


Bob Reasoner has written numerous books, developed curriculum, and conducted workshops and training sessions in the US and as well as internationally on self esteem. He was a founder of Self Esteem International and in retirement, he is still active in educating organizations, communities, and Ministries of Education all over the world.


Recently, Bob conducted a workshop for Dove House Volunteers, staff, and affiliated agencies. Approximately 50 people attended Bob's presentation on Personal Self Esteem and hope to have a follow-up presentation. Barbara Berthiaume assisted Bob in the workshop.

Officers and Program Chairs

Chair:   Ken Winter       437-2877    

1st VC  B. Berthiaume 437-2877     

2nd VC Jack Randall  360-301-0123



All Counties   Myron Vogt  437-4055  

                      Larry Elton   437-0758

Clallam Co     Rod Harp     681-8750

Kitsap  Co     Jerry Enders 830-0560



   Manager  Myron Vogt  437-4055     

   Kitsap Co. Ed Berthiaume 437-0423 

   Clallam C.  Larry Lang 452-4348    

   Jefferson Co   Erika Mayfield 437-9637  

   Hood Canal Bonnie Douglass 765-4565

DOVE HOUSE Betty Faulkner 437-5116  

SCHOOL SUPPLY Dick Ostlund 437-7747

CHRISTMAS GIVING Larry Elton 437-0758   

FOOD BANK   Ken Snider  437-9165 

LIFELINE/Fall Prev. Marv Segar 437-2722

WEB SITE  Ted Muralt   640-0686     

SOCIAL  Michael Graham  437-5052 

MEMBERSHIP Eleanor Roden 437-2354

PUBLICITY B. Berthiaume 437-0423  

NEWSLETTER Jack McKay  437-1186

PHOTOS Peggy Flentie 437-2702      

HISTORIAN Jack Randall 360-301-0123


December and January Birthdays   

December Birthdays
Jane Ansley, 2nd
Pete Tallerico, 4th
Judy McKay 16th
Joan Zimmerman, 17th
Pat Webb, 22nd
Bill Harju, 31st

January Birthdays
Michael Peterson,1st
Kathi Traci, 13th
Ken Avicola, 14th
Larry Lang, 26th
Glenn Andrews, 30th

January Bluebills Calendar
  • Thursday, Jan 3 Leadership team meeting-Bay Club 3:00-4:00
  • Tuesday, Jan 8- Leadership Council Meeting-Seattle
  • Tuesday, Jan 8- Unload Food bank Truck-Tri-area Community Center-Chimacum  8:00-9:00
  • Tuesday, Jan 8-World Vision pick up in Fife-9:00 (Goods for Jefferson Co.)

Bluebill Projects for 2012

Christmas Giving (purchasing and distribution)

Builders (ramps and grab bars)

World Vision (collection and distribution)

Dove House (yard care and golf tournament)

Food Bank Services (unloading supplies)


Building Project Accomplishments during 2012

Built new ramps  58

Installed Grab bars  192

Installed Railings    22

Built Steps     5

Home Repairs  38

Installed Chair/Sofa risers  22

Installed Lifelines  15


2012 Membership Initiative

                                 2009    2010    2011   2012

Number of members: 138     148     144     176

Total hours reported: 10008  7717  7072  11900

Members reporting:      74      86        62     100

Percent reporting:      53%   58%    43%    57% 

New Members:             14      16        10      34