Kids In Need Program News  

Diana Saville is 2003 Teacher of the Year  

Fifth grade teacher Diana Saville said a tearful goodbye to her students on the last day of school June 18, and spent the late afternoon at the Kids in Need Resource Center where she was one of 17 teachers honored by Bluebills for outstanding contributions to the program.

"I didn't cry all day, until I got here," she said of her emotionally draining day. But then World Vision's Jim Peterson presented her with an engraved plaque proclaiming her the Teacher of the Year, and described the extraordinary efforts the Arlington Elementary teacher has devoted to the Kids in Need program.

He cited her for being the articulate spokesperson in the KIN video that was made this year, plus the six times her letters and posters have won top honors in the monthly competition, and her quick response when KIN needs more supplier thank you posters.

"Being part of the Kids in Need program has been the easiest part of my job and gave me such feel good afternoons. The thank yous should go out to you, not come to me," she said.

Teacher Saville was flabbergasted to receive a new TV/VCR as well as the engraved plaque. "My kids never had a video or VCR that worked all school year!" she said.

This event was the last of the monthly awards ceremonies for this school year and 16 teachers were recognized. The competition is designed to encourage teachers and their students to write letters and create posters thanking donors and describing how their efforts are making a difference in the lives of the students. In another category, three Dearborn Park teachers were recognized for best creative use of the products. Several entries will be shown off at the SHOPA Summit in Maine later this summer.

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date of this page version: 21 June 2003