Kids In Need Program News  

Leydens Get Lots of Credit for Success
of Mushrooming Kids in Need Program

Judy and Ted Leyden serve tirelessly as the communications and school liaison administrators for the Kids in Need Resource Center. They began helping out with the program shortly after it launched in September 1999 with 18 schools and have helped the program mushroom to 82 schools in 2002.  The Boeing Bluebills named Judy and Ted Leyden their Volunteers of the Year in 2001.

They are the primary link between the Bluebills and World Vision and the SHOPA Foundation in efforts to keep the shelves stocked and to coordinate participation of eligible schools.  They schedule visits by teachers in participating schools, establish ground rules and procedures for distribution of supplies, as well as oversee a volunteer staff comprised of a nucleus of 40 Bluebills who regularly work at the warehouse.  They developed a special incentive program for teachers and students encouraging them to write thank you letters to the businesses who donate supplies.  This appreciation has helped to increase donations.  Judy was instrumental in the development of a video about KIN, produced by students from Mt. Tahoma High School.

Each year the Leydens devote thousands of hours to KIN, and put untold miles on their car traveling from their home in Tacoma to the warehouse.

As volunteers of the year for Bluebills in 2001, the Leydens received a check for their favorite charity. Above, they "give" a replica check to World Vision's Jim Peterson (left), to purchase crayons for the warehouse shelves. Crayons are always in short supply.

"This couple is invaluable," declares World Vision's KIN Manager, Jim Peterson.  "They have made this program successful."

The Leydens met when they joined the Bluebills.  Their first joint endeavor was establishment of the Heritage Solitaires, a social activities club for single Bluebills.

Kids in Need Program is Best Partnership

August 2002 -- The Kids in Need Resource Center coalition has been named the year's outstanding community partnership by Seattle's Corporate Volunteer Council .  The coalition, between Bluebills, Boeing, School, Home and Office Products Association (SHOPA) and World Vision, distributes free school supplies to disadvantaged children in western Washington.  The Corporate Volunteers Council is a group of  Seattle's largest businesses who sponsor and promote employee volunteerism within the community.

The partnership award was presented at a ceremony at Westlake Mall. Left to right, are SHOPA's Mike Palmer; World Vision's Jim Peterson; Bluebill Jeanette Field; Boeing Community Relations' Bill Rienstra; Bluebills Ted Leyden, Judy Leyden and Wayne Fields; Boeing Employee Books and Backpacks chair Daralee Peterson; and World Vision's Kathleen Corey.

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date of this page version: 22 June 2003